Workshops Outlines and
Past Event Schedule
256.435.4105 (h) or 256.452.8213 (c)
I would love the opportunity to conduct a workshop at your facility. Steve Loucks and I offer individual and also dual workshops. Several options are outlined below and others can be discussed to accommodate your needs. We can also be very flexible to vary our presentation and time to meet the learning situations and desires of your clients, students, or fellow clay enthusiasts. We make the workshops fun and extremely informative.
Steve and I have just published our new book,"Glazes From a Potter's Perspective: A Simple, Kitchen-Method Approach to Understanding Glaze Development". We share information from the book during all workshops.
One-day Demonstration and Hands-on Workshop
"Carving to Your Heart's Delight"
Learn how to decorate the surface of your ceramic pieces through detailed geometric or naturalistic carving, sprigging, altering, assembling, and embellishing. Learn Lynnette's handbuilding techniques using hump, plaster, and wooden molds to make unique pieces to add to your own creative palate.
Taught by Lynnette Hesser
Two-day Demonstration Workshop
1. "Stretching Your Techniques"
Watch wonderful demonstrations of various techniques of hand-building and throwing as Steve and Lynnette work simultaneously. We also discuss forming, finishing, glazing, firing, and aesthetics while encouraging dialog. Techniques include altering, stretching, darting, stacking, assembling, embellishing,
using molds, and carving geometric and naturalistic
designs on the forms.
Co-taught by Lynnette Hesser and Steve Loucks
2. "Carving to Your Heart's Delight"
Learn how to decorate the surface of your ceramic pieces through detailed geometric or naturalistic carving, sprigging, altering, assembling, and embellishing. Learn
Lynnette's wheel-throwing and handbuilding techniques using hump, plaster, and wooden molds to make unique pieces to add to your own creative palate.
Taught by Lynnette Hesser
Two-day, Demonstration and Hands-on Workshops
1. "On and Off the Wheel: Into the Out-of-Round"
Learn how to create exciting "out-of-round" pieces both on the wheel by stretching, darting, stacking, and reforming and off the wheel by handbuilding using simple hump, plaster, and wooden molds. Learn to manipulate all your forms. Then, embellish the pieces by carving geometric or naturalistic designs, adding sprigs, feet, handles, and other decorative elements. We demonstrate all techniques used and more and work with each attendee individually. We also discuss glazing, and aesthetics while encouraging dialog. Work is taken home unfired or left at the workshop site for firing.
Co-taught by Lynnette Hesser and Steve Loucks
2."Serve with Finesse"
Learn how to improve your throwing and handbuilding skills while we demonstrate the making of unique dishes to serve specialty foods such as asparagus, deviled eggs, shrimp cocktail, cheese balls and salmon. Learn how to alter basic bowl forms by darting, stretching, stacking and reforming, and then embellish them with carving, sprigs, and handles. We also discuss forming, finishing, glazing, firing, and aesthetics while encouraging dialog. Work is taken home unfired or left at the workshop site for firing.
Co-taught by Lynnette Hesser and Steve Loucks
3. "Carving to Your Heart's Delight"
Learn how to decorate the surface of your ceramic pieces through detailed geometric or naturalistic carving, sprigging, altering, and embellishing. Learn Lynnette's wheel-throwing techniques then handbuilding using hump, plaster, and wooden molds. Watch the demonstrations, then make your own unique pieces with individual assistance, as needed, to have fun and add to your creative palate.
Taught by Lynnette Hesser
One-week, Demonstration and Hands-on Workshops
1. “To Set the Table”
From beginners to experienced clay enthusiasts, watch us demonstrate then help you as you make your own Place Setting: plate, bowl, and mug or goblet, napkin holder, salt and pepper shakers, a vase, etc. Various handbuilding techniques using molds are also utilized to make the ware. Basic glazing methods are demonstrated. Pieces finished by the third morning are bisqued then glaze fired for them to be taken home at the end of the class. We will be making more work all week long which can be taken home bisqued or unfired.
All levels are welcome.
Co-taught by Lynnette Hesser and Steve Loucks
2. "On and Off the Wheel: Into the Out-of-Round"
Learn how to create exciting "out-of-round" pieces both on the wheel by stretching, darting, stacking, and reforming and by handbuilding using simple hump, plaster, and wooden molds. Learn to manipulate all your forms, then embellish the pieces by carving geometric or naturalistic designs, adding sprigs, feet, handles, and other decorative elements. We demonstrate all techniques used, and more. We also discuss glazing glazing, firing, and ceramic aesthetics while encouraging dialog. Pieces finished by the third morning
are bisque fired and glaze fired to cone 6 in the electric kilns for them to be taken at the end of the class but we will be making work all week long which can be taken home bisqued or unfired. All levels are welcome.
Co-taught by Lynnette Hesser and Steve Loucks
3. "Serve with Finesse"
Improve your throwing skills while making unique dishes to serve specialty foods such as asparagus, deviled eggs, shrimp cocktail, cheese balls, and salmon. Learn how to alter basic bowl forms by darting, stretching, stacking,
and reforming. Then, embellish them with carving, sprigs, and handles, etc. We will demo all the clay techniques used and discuss ceramic aesthetics. Serving dishes will be fired to cone 6 in the electric kilns, but we will be making work all week long which can be taken home bisqued or unfired. All levels are welcome.
Co-taught by Lynnette Hesser and Steve Loucks
4. "Carving to Your Heart's Delight"
Learn how to decorate the surface of your ceramic pieces through detailed geometric or naturalistic carving, sprigging, altering, and embellishing. Learn Lynnette's wheel-throwing techniques then handbuilding using hump, plaster, and wooden molds. Watch the demonstrations then make your own unique pieces with individual assistance, as needed, to have fun and add to your creative palate. Pieces finished by the third morning will be fired to cone 6 in the electric kilns, but we will be making work all week long which can be taken home bisqued or unfired. All levels are welcome.
Taught by Lynnette Hesser
5. "Drinking Vessels with Panache"
Add your own flair to drinking vessels from delicate teacups to robust growlers. Learn to carve, alter, assemble, and embellish wheel-thrown or handmade pieces with designs, pedestals, handles, stoppers, and much more. We will discuss design concepts and glazing methods, then fire early finished work to cone 6 electric while continuing to make work all week long. All levels are welcome.
Co-taught by Lynnette Herrer and Steve Loucks.
6. “Bowl”-ing with Cone 6 Glazes”
Learn how to accentuate simple wheel-thrown bowls with carving, altering, assembling, and embellishing techniques to make them unique for a variety of occasions and purposes. Bowls finished in time will be glazed while we continue making wonderful bowls all week long. Steve will also explain and demystify glazes while demonstrating various application methods for all to use on our bowls for cone 6 electric firings. All levels are welcome.
Two-week, Demonstration and Hands-on Workshops
(more intense)
1. “To Set the Table”
This workshop is centered around making tableware that is wheel-thrown, altered, embellished, and assembled. We demonstrate and help each student make their own place setting; plate, bowl, and mug or goblet, napkin holder, salt and pepper shakers, pitcher, platter, teapot,
vase, etc. Additional presentations include glazing and firing. The work will be fired to to cone 6 in electric, oxidation kilns and sometimes to cone 10 in gas reduction and/or soda kilns depending on the facilities. We also discuss forming, finishing, glazing, firing, and aesthetics while encouraging dialog.
Co-taught by Lynnette Hesser and Steve Loucks
2. "Serve with Finesse"
Improve your throwing skills while making unique dishes to serve specialty foods such as asparagus, deviled eggs, shrimp cocktail, cheese balls, and salmon. Learn how to alter basic shapes by darting, stretching, stacking, and reforming and how to use hump, plaster, and wooden molds. Then embellish your pieces with geometric or organic carvings, sprigs, feet, handles, and other decorative elements. We will demo all the clay techniques used and have discussions on many clay aesthetics including forming and finishing. Additional presentations include glazing and firing. The work will be fired to cone 6 oxidation in electric kilns and sometimes to cone 10 in gas reduction and/or soda kilns depending on the facilities.
Co-taught by Lynnette Hesser and Steve Loucks
3. "Carving to Your Heart's Delight"
Learn how to decorate the surface of your ceramic pieces through detailed geometric or naturalistic carving, sprigging, altering, and embellishing. Learn Lynnette's wheel-throwing techniques then handbuilding using hump, plaster, and wooden molds to add to your creative palate. The work will be fired to cone 6 in electric oxidation kilns. I also discuss forming, finishing, glazing, firing, and aesthetics while encouraging dialog between all.
Taught by Lynnette Hesser
Steve's One and Two-day Workshop or Lectures
“Understanding Glazes”, “Glaze Testing”, and
“Developing Your Own Glaze”.
Lecture and image presentation format of Steve's
unique method of understanding how materials work within your glaze for you to achieve the desired effect on your pieces, in your kilns, using your firing methods.
Steve's Four-day to One-week Workshop
“Developing Your Own Glaze”
Hands-on workshop. Presentations include the above lectures along with demonstrating the glaze testing methods. Each student develops their own glossy, satin, and matte glaze and, then, conducts a full-color test on a glaze of their choice. All results are shared at the end of the session.
The price of the workshop varies with which one you choose, but we are very reasonable.
To visit our studio, call 256.452.8213 for an appointment to make sure we are there. We love visitors as we are opening new kilns all the time. Our studio is at 1092 Seven Springs Road, Wellington, Alabama 36279. We are in the beautiful countryside of Alabama twenty minutes south of Gadsden, two hours west of Atlanta, two hours south of Chattanooga and Huntsville, and one and a half hours northeast of Birmingham. Shipping is available for pottery, my Seven Springs
Handmade Cream Soaps, and my
La Fleur Rose solid lotions and lip gloss.
Co-juried Workhouse Clay International 2020 Exhibition
Workhouse Art Center, Lorton, Virginia
Show: August 8- October 11,2020
Creative Spirit
Dual Exhibition with Steve Loucks at the Kennedy-Douglass Art Center, Florence, Alabama
Mini-Techniques Workshop
One-day wprkshop at Florida Atlantic University
Stretching Your techniques
Two-day workshop at the Ceramics League of Miami
Coordinator for the 2020 Alabama Clay Conference Vendor
Area, CERF Raffle. Georgine Clarke Scholarship Fund,
along with Freebie and SWAP tables in Orange Beach
Serve with Finesse
One-week workshop at the John C. Campbell Folk School,
Brasstown, North Carolina
Creative Spirit
Dual Exhibition with Steve Loucks at the Lowe Mill Main
Gallery, Huntsville, Alabama
Creative Spirit
Dual Exhibition with Steve Loucks at the Gadsden Museum of Art, Gadsden, Alabama
Serve with Finesse
Two-day hands-on workshop at the Huntsville Museum of
Art, Huntsville, Alabama
2nd Printing of Glazes from a Potter's Perspective.
Alabama Clay Conference Steering Committee Member
Alabama Clay Market,
Alabama Clay Conference, Jacksonville, Alabama
Coordinator for the 2019 Alabama Clay Conference Vendor
Area, CERF Raffle. Georgine Clarke Scholarship Fund,
along with Freebie and SWAP tables in Jacksonville ​
Studio Open House and Sale
Wellington, Alabama
Alabama Designer Craftsmen Fall Show
Birmingham, Alabama
"Southern Highland Craft Guild Fall Show"
Asheville, North Carolina
"Served with Finesse", a demonstration/hands-on workshop
at Natchez Pottery, Natchez, Mississippi.
"Glazes from a Potter's Perspective: A Simple, Kitchen-
Method Approach to Understanding Glaze Development",
Vendor at the Alabama Clay Conference. The book is
available at 256.435.4105 (h) or 256.452.8213 (c).
"Southern Highland Craft Guild Fall Show"
Asheville, North Carolina
"Served with Finesse", a demonstration/hands-on workshop
at Natchez Pottery, Natchez, MS.
"Fluidity and Geometrics: Focus Gallery Exhibition"
Southern Highland Folk Arts Center
Asheville, North Carolina
"Southern Highland Craft Guild Summer Show"
Asheville, North Carolina
"Clay Day", Southern Highland Craft Guild, Folk Arts, Center, Asheville, North Carolina
"Southern Highland Craft Guild Members Exhibition at the
Appalachian Regional Commission" 1666 Connecticut
Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
"Exhibition of Ceramic Artist WInners of the Alabama State
Council on the Arts Fellowship in Crafts", ASCA,
Montgomery Alabama
The Alabama Clay Market at the Alabama Clay Conference
Montgomery, Alabama
Alabama Designer Craftsmen Demonstration Day, Huntsville Museum
of Art, Huntsville, Alabama
"Stretching Your Techniques" with Steve Loucks, two-day workshop,
Georgia Clay Council at Something Southern Pottery, Canton, GA
Alabama Clay Conference Steering Committee Member
Studio Open House and Sale
Alabama Designer Craftsmen Fall Show, Chair
Southern Highland Guild Show, July and October
American Craft Council Show: Atlanta
The Alabama Clay Market at the Alabama Clay Conference,
Birmingham, Alabama
Coordinator for the 2017 Alabama Clay Conference's Vendor Area and the Alabama Clay Market
Studio Open House and Sale
Alabama Designer Craftsmen 44th Show and Sale
One-day workshop at Densen Center, Opelika, AL
One-week workshop at Arrowmont
Arrowmont Instructors Exhibition
Weekend workshop at Wesleyan Potters, Middleton, CT.
One-week workshop at John C. Campbell Folk School
Weekend workshop at Mississippi University for Women
Exhibition at Mississippi University for Women
Weekend Workshop at Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art
Exhibition at Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art
31st Alabama Clay Conference, Gadsden, Alabama
Co-host with Steve Loucks, Actual dates: February 5-7, 2016
Studio Open House and Sale
Alabama Designer Craftsmen Show, Chair,
Stretching Your Techniques, Two-day workshop and
demonstration with Steve Loucks, Mendocino Art
Center, Mendocino, California
Visiting Demonstrator for Steve Loucks, Session 4,
Penland School, Penland, North Carolina